"Farewell" and grief factory workers to produce another car "Corvette C6" Corvette C6 sports

In on Feb. 28 out factory "GM" in Bowling Green, Kentucky, another unit manufactured from Corvette C6, which did not bother the media by including that her other Model C7 Stingera kidnapped all the lights, interesting that the car entered production since 2004 and the production cycle own lasted 9 years which produced 215 100 cars only the last unit of the C6 model that was manufactured Model 427 Convertible white university dedicated to a rare auto
Which contained a V8 engine with a capacity of 7 liters, the car is not equipped the actual Valmekdr leadership for this car to become one of the lessons of history for future generations are heading to the Museum of the GM Heritage in the state of Detroit
And will hold a ceremony miniature occasion by 500 workers plants the company but will not celebration so do not hang production Stingera C7 scheduled to be discussed for the market after just two weeks, all equipped with the factory workers estimated value b $ 131 million to begin the production model Stingera new, although it will not be able to buy the car before the end of this year, "the end of August or beginning of September"
This date can even buy Model C6 'Vette of your choice and that about them Chevrolet has announced that it has more than 6,100 car in its stores and that sufficient for only five months remaining until the end of production of the new model
Corvette C6

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